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1. all-in-jan26.mp4

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  1. First, you'll tell me the target duration for the story (between 3 and 10 minutes)
  2. Then, I'll suggest a story framework with specific durations for each part
  3. Once you approve the framework, I can proceed with crafting the story

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5 mins

Based on the transcript content, I suggest the following framework:

Introduction (1:00)

  • Setting up the context of Trump's inauguration weekend and key tech leaders' presence

Conflict (1:30)

  • Discussion of critical infrastructure challenges in US vs China, particularly around energy and AI development

Resolution (1:45)

  • Coverage of executive orders and policy changes aimed at addressing these challenges, including Sacks' appointment

Conclusion (0:45)

  • Final insights on the path forward and implications for US competitiveness

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1:57:02 - 1:57:23


Well, the inauguration ceremony itself was really pretty spectacular. You you were there in the capital, Chamath. Yeah. It's funny. Jack and I kinda took our seats in the rotunda, like, kind of in the back in the peanut gallery, and I thought that's where I was gonna be sitting. And then somebody comes up to me and says, uh, mister Sachs, we have a seat for you up up front. And so they put me on the dais You

1:57:24 - 1:57:31

It was, like, the secretary of state, the secretary of treasury, and then me. You know? And then we were just we were behind the the Trump family.

1:16:18 - 1:16:44

I think you framed it perfectly. And since you bring up ride sharing and the 80% there, I, you know, I I really think that's an important thing to to take a moment to, um, to settle on because in that case, you didn't have Uber being challenged by Google, Microsoft, and Elon Musk, you know, at the same time in a digital product as opposed to a real world product.

This is the introduction part I've crafted. It sets up the context of Trump's inauguration weekend and introduces key tech leaders. Would you like any changes to this part? Please let me know if you'd like me to modify anything or if you're satisfied with it.

Let me know if you want to see any changes. We can keep iterating together.

this works




1:25:04 - 1:25:27


If you think of the GPU as the atomic unit of the future, right, and and the key competitive advantage and and the key kind of ingredient, you can't power a GPU without a data center, and you can't use a data center without power. So I do think at the end of the day, it really comes down to the grid and it comes down to power.

1:30:42 - 1:31:15

And I think what's really important to note is over that same period of time, Thomas, we're in a different era on nuclear than we were when we had 3 Mile Island and, you know, prior to that, Chernobyl. We have new, uh, gen 4 technologies that are meltdown proof, that have a totally different architecture where there isn't a setup where you have runaway heat and ultimately a collapse of the, uh, the reactor and a release of radioactive material, which is what happened at Chernobyl.

1:31:57 - 1:32:08

And by the way, we you also can look at France. Right? My my home country, uh, not known as a technology leader, but 70% of its energy of its electricity comes from nuclear.

1:35:35 - 1:36:10

One other element, guys, I think you know that we are blocking the ability of China to get access to the latest GPUs. Right? And the whole point is we don't want them to use to develop systems that could be used against us. But if China if one day China had 10 x our power capacity, it won't even matter. Right? Because they'll just have so many more, whether they're not quite the same advanced GPUs or not. They'll just have so many more of them. Their industrial AI capacity will be so much larger that even if we have the best h one hundreds and the latest technology that Jensen and others can provide, it won't matter.

I've crafted the Conflict section focusing on the infrastructure challenges between US and China, particularly around energy and AI development. The section features Thomas Lafont's insights about energy capacity and nuclear power needs, and includes specific comparisons between US and China.

Would you like any changes to this section? Please let me know if you'd like any adjustments to:

  1. The content
  2. The flow
  3. The quotes selected
  4. Any other aspects

this is perfect




31:39 - 31:59


In our first topic, president Trump smashed the record for day 1 executive orders. 26 in all, beating the prior record of 9 by uncle Joe Biden. And no other president signed more than one EO in day 1 since the federal register started tracking this in 1937.

1:51:46 - 1:52:16

The one on crypto, I guess, we can start there. The main thing it does is it forms an internal working group with the goal of making the US the world leader in crypto. So it's not one specific action. It's basically authorizing and creating a working group with the goal of achieving that objective. Right? And the members of this working group are gonna be, there's me, there's the head of the SEC, the secretary of the treasury, and all the agencies and departments that have an interest in crypto.

1:52:39 - 1:52:59

Next one's AI. So the the number one thing that that EO does is rescind the the Biden EO, which we talked about on this podcast, I don't know how many episodes ago. But remember, it was this 100 page monstrosity of burdensome regulation. And the president had promised on the campaign trail to repeal that, and he did.

1:53:14 - 1:53:23

It said that we wanna be the world leader in AI. In fact, it uses the word dominate. We wanna we wanna basically have global dominance in AI.

1:54:06 - 1:54:17

Well, PCAST has been around for a long time. I mean, I think it's been around for decades. And the the goal of PCAST is to assemble a group of top science and technology buyers to provide the president with advice.

1:28:14 - 1:28:22

And now it's full steam ahead. If you have it permitted, then it's all about just get the power however you need the power, which I think is the smart decision.

Here's the crafted Resolution part. It focuses on the executive orders, particularly highlighting Trump's record-breaking first day, David Sacks' new role, and the policy changes regarding crypto and AI. Does this work for you, or would you like any adjustments?





1:49:44 - 1:49:50


The entire country knows that we need to win the AI race.

1:33:39 - 1:33:52

I think we need to get energy increased in this country in an accelerated way for the United States to even be in a position to be able to challenge China with respect to manufacturing and AI in the decades ahead.

1:53:18 - 1:53:23

In fact, it uses the word dominate. We wanna we wanna basically have global dominance in AI.

1:32:20 - 1:32:23

And I think now with AI, it's a matter of national security.

1:28:22 - 1:28:25

Back to your earlier point, like, we are we are in a race here.

I've crafted a conclusion, but I notice two issues:

  1. It's shorter than the target duration (0:29 vs target 0:45)
  2. It reuses some quotes that were already used in the Resolution part

Would you like me to try crafting it again to:

  • Make it longer
  • Use different quotes
  • Add more substance about the path forward and implications for US competitiveness?

Please let me know your preference.

Yes use different quotes


