2 - Paul Rudd on Hot Ones
Watch one of the nicest dudes in Hollywood take on some of the least nice hot sauces on the planet. This one's got great moments highlighting Paul's sense of humor and storytelling ability. And it's got an epic dab to boot.
Here's the full uncut video:
Summarize Paul Rudd’s best responses during the Hot Ones interview.
1:46 - 2:12
The challenge is with playing two parts in the way that we did it. There's many different ways you can do it. I would record the lines for both characters, and then I had a thing in my ear and I would act as one character. And then the response, there was a guy off the side going like, you know, hitting a button for the reply. And then I would flip around and remember where I was standing and where I was looking and, and then just act opposite to the sound.
5:16 - 5:41
Of those, my favorite would be the McVitie's. The chocolate, I just chocolate. Yeah, and it's probably a toss up between that and the Cadbury fingers. As a kid, like Cadbury, fingers are perfect, right? They're great bourbon creams. What was the first one that you said? The custard cream. Yeah, those are great too. I really like those. Many people love Jaffa Cakes. Me? Not as much. I don't want fruit in my biscuit.
6:44 - 7:27
No, that's absolutely true. Uh, I heard about it. It was already Next before it got greenlit at the studio, because I think somewhere, somewhere pretty early on, they realized that's impossible to film. I think the idea was all these newsmen were flying over to some news convention or something, and they're all smoking so many cigarettes that the whole cabin filled up with smoke and the plane crashed. Now, of course, the plane was also transporting Chinese, throwing stars and lots of martial arts weaponry, and it crashes on an island inhabited by apes and. And then it just turns into a survival tale of newsmen versus apes, which I want to see that movie.
14:50 - 15:12
I think the David Letterman is single handedly responsible for the sensibility and sense of humor of this country. In a way, he doesn't quite even get the credit. He has credit and respect and everything, but I think he is such an important figure, especially early on. And it lasted. But this sense of he didn't want to really be there.