
Hey! Send me a video and we can get rolling

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1. viper.mp4

5m37s | 123.30 MB

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Multi-interview editing is here! You can now import multiple videos into a project. Just add them here and click 'Start import'.

Import has started! Once it completes, I’ll dive into the edit. What kind of story do you want me to cut?

Alright, partner, that's a bit on the short side. I usually sink my teeth into meatier footage, say 10 minutes or more. But hey, if you're just looking to test the waters, I'm game. What's the plan?

Can you cut me a summary of this video?

Alright, boss, I'll slice and dice this video into a crispy summary for you. Here's the highlight reel:




0:00 - 0:10

Flashed it up. Now he's down to go flush it down. The third inhibitor hanging by. He's in the wave so it comes faster. Wave just kind of gave up. And so he's going to help that one move on over.

0:38 - 0:59

Oh, shit. He wants his first title life. They fight, he wants his first title. And this time around, he's gliding. He's gliding around. But they don't get the two crucial. Can they end? This is a fight where Viper didn't have flash. Wait. They're going for it. They're going for it. Are they going for it?

1:27 - 1:48

He wants it, man. Super soldier. He needs his LCK title. Definitely. Still his Zecca and Viper world champs with no LCK titles. Yo, man, there is a lot of tape. Zecca viper man on both sides of this. They popped off. They popped off. Zecca. Viper man, this fight was horrific for my life.

3:56 - 4:12

Peanut called it the light called it. So they all committed. No one said, I think we should back and go older or something. No one, no one even pussied out. Everyone was like, yeah, we fucking end that there. Respect. That's a tough call to make. I think that's a tough call to make.

5:28 - 5:32

Damn. Mega win by Humble Life. Mega win!

There you have it, partner. A tight summary of the key moments from this intense gaming commentary. Anything else you want me to do with this footage?

Let me know if you want to see any changes. We can keep iterating together.

Eddie AI

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